Veganuary campaign: Your vegan dish in our Mensa!

Attention students: Do you love vegan food and want to share your cooking skills with others? Then send us your favorite vegan recipe. Our kitchen team will recreate your dish and serve it in one of our Mensas. Your recipe will be the highlight of our Mensa menu for a whole day!

How to take part: Simply send us the title of your recipe to, e.g. “Chickpea ragout with coconut milk”, or the whole recipe. Of course, you can also tell us directly what makes your dish so special.

Show us how creative vegan cuisine can be – we look forward to your suggestions!

Veganuary (vegan + January) is a non-profit organization and international campaign that encourages people to try a plant-based diet in January and the rest of the year. Find out more about the campaign on the Veganuary website.

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