Around 250 visitors from all around the world, mainly from Ukraine, Afghanistan and Syria, came to the information day for international and refugee prospective students on 3 May. In the foyer of the Nieper Building at HTWK, they were able to find out about studying in Leipzig at a total of ten information stands.
The event, which took place for the seventh time, was attended by six universities from Leipzig and the surrounding area as well as other institutions such as the City of Leipzig’s Welcome Centre, the Bildungsberatung of the Garantiefonds Hochschule and the Soziale Dienste und Jugendhilfe gGmbH. Staff from the Department for Grants and the Social Counselling Service of Studentenwerk Leipzig were also on hand to answer questions.
Everything you need to know about university admission, requirements, applications, student financing and scholarships was not only available from the counsellors at the information stands, but also in three well-attended presentations in German and English.
Five language mediators for Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish, French, Farsi and Arabic were on site to improve the communication. In an exchange corner, prospective students were also able to make contact with existing students from Leipzig’s universities, which proved very popular.
Have a look at the best photos from Info Day 2024.
We would like to thank all partners and visitors for the successful event!