Following the recent survey on the future of the Semesterticket among Leipzig students, the results are now in and show that the majority of respondents are in favour of continuing the Deutschland-Semesterticket beyond the summer semester.
A total of 5,207 students from all seven universities in the area covered by the Studentenwerk Leipzig took part in the survey. The Leipzig University was the most represented institution with 81%, followed by the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences HTWK with 10%.
A key finding of the survey is the importance of public transport for students. For almost three quarters (73%) it is an important means of transport, as they always or often use it. With regard to the Deutschland-Semesterticket for the 2024 summer semester, the vast majority of respondents (88%) said that they found the changeover to the Deutschland-Semesterticket very advantageous, while a further 8% found it somewhat advantageous. Only 2% of respondents felt that the ticket was not very or not at all advantageous for them personally.
Based on the current price of 176.40 euros per semester, 96% of all respondents were in favour of continuing the fully subsidised Deutschland Semester Ticket from the winter semester 2024/25.