With the start of the winter semester 2024, finding affordable housing in Leipzig is once again becoming a challenge for students. Over 6,000 first-year students are set to begin their studies in October, creating a significant shortage of affordable living spaces. To address this issue, Studentenwerk Leipzig is launching the “RaumTeiler” project.
The Concept: Leipzig residents with an available room can offer it to first-year students. The goal is to create short-term housing solutions and ease the challenging search for accommodation. With “RaumTeiler”, we aim to make unused rooms in Leipzig households accessible to students while also fostering intergenerational exchange.
Those who participate benefit not only financially but also from support around the house, such as help with shopping or gardening, which can be combined with reduced rent if desired. The goal is a win-win situation: housing providers receive assistance or companionship, while students – at least temporarily between the semester start in October and December – secure accommodation.
The “RaumTeiler” project will initially run until the end of 2026. Leipzig residents who have a free room are warmly invited to join the network. The Studentenwerk Leipzig offers support in matching participants and takes individual preferences and needs into account.

Celina Bohmann
Beratung auch auf Englisch
Room 403
Gutenbergplatz 4
04103 Leipzig
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1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Telephone office hours
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM