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07. December 2017
The opening hours at our student restaurants and cafeterias and our office hours change over Christmas and the turn of…
01. December 2017
Studentenwerk Leipzig invites all international students to their event „Experiencing New Things Through Volunteering“ on 12 December 2017, at 5.00…
30. November 2017
We offer Christmas meals in the week of 4 December. Roast venison in prune gravy at student restaurant Mensa Academica,…
27. November 2017
Attention, tenants of our halls of residence: More web for everyone! The data volume in our halls of residence has been increased:…
23. November 2017
Expanded psychosocial counselling service of Studentenwerk Leipzig. Suffering from stress or stage fright? As of now, students of Hochschule für…
22. November 2017
Cold? Wet? Hungry? We have tasty soups! In response to the current cold weather conditions, Mensa am Park offers autumnally soups to…
16. November 2017
Two veggie days are planned for the last full week of November. “Meat-free and Tasty” is the veggie day slogan…
A building full of history is located at Seeburgstraße 47. A remembrance plaque has now been installed. Some of our…
Franz Hempel is now the new chairman of the semester ticket committee. Franz Hempel, head of the Sustainable Mobility Unit…
06. November 2017
The current exhibition at Studentenwerk Leipzig is called “Leipzigs Lichter. Leipzigs Farben.” Photographer Volmar Hartung sets off after sunset and…
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