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15. April 2019
Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Cultural Funding supports cultural events for students. The financial means are awarded upon application. Many past CAMMERSPIELE productions were…
10. April 2019
After three and a half years with the interim Mensaria, the time has come: the new student restaurant on the…
09. April 2019
A total of eight different burgers are offered from 15 to 18 April for the Burger Week in student restaurant…
04. April 2019
All international students are welcome to network at the Tandem get-together and/or inform themselves about the(broadcast receiving) licence fee at…
03. April 2019
AutoLoad registration as well as issuing, replacement, extension of validity and balance transfers can be done directly at our student…
On Veggie-Day, we offer vegetarian and vegan meals exclusively at our student restaurant Mensa Peterssteinweg. Our next Veggie-Day takes place…
27. March 2019
Studentenwerk Leipzig and public transport companies renew MDV semester ticket contract L to R.: Franz Hempel, President of the Semester Ticket…
25. March 2019
On Friday, 12 April, international students have the opportunity to receive useful Information and to get to know each other…
20. March 2019
Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Cultural Funding supports cultural events for students. The financial means are awarded upon application. Many student projects that…
18. March 2019
What is on Leipzig’s students‘ plates? We would like to see what is on the plates of Leipzig’s students, employees…
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