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26. November 2019
Animal protection week is taking place at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. A perfect match for delicious vegetarian and vegan…
Participate till 31 January 2020 and win €1000: All students studying in a German or French university or academy can…
22. November 2019
For our Veggie-Days on 26 and 28 November, we offer exclusively vegetarian and vegan dishes in one of our Mensas.…
19. November 2019
Mensa am Park we offers delicious soups at our vending cart every day from 25 to 29 November. What could…
On 15 November, some of our international students took over Mensa am Medizincampus and prepared delicious dishes from their home…
The last photo exhibition in this year is devoted to portraits – but with an unconventional approach. Therese von Alten,…
08. November 2019
In this workshop the psychosocial counselling service provides helpful tips on how to deal with overstrain, inner restlessness and concentration…
For Veggie-Day we offer tasty vegetarian and vegan dishes in Mensa am Park. For Veggie-Day on 13 November, Mensa am…
06. November 2019
Once a year international students team up with the chefs of our student restaurants to prepare dishes from their home…
A breakfast buffet and a colourful program bring students and their children to the Mensa am Park once a semester.…
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