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07. July 2020
The summer theatre is finally back! Cammerspiele Leipzig are staging the famous novel „A Clockwork Orange“. A tumultuous evening of…
We will reopen our Mensa and Cafeteria Academica for the upcoming exams at HTWK. Our Mensa and Cafeteria Academica on…
06. July 2020
A small hint for all burger aficionados: On July 14th Mensa am Medizincampus serves pulled turkey burgers. Our Mensas currently…
03. July 2020
After 17 years, the Free State of Saxony is in again on renovation works in our student halls of residence:…
30. June 2020
For Veggie-Day Mensa am Medizincampus offers a variety of tasty vegetarian and vegan dishes. Vegetarian, vegan and tasty: on 3…
25. June 2020
The bridging assistance supplied by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research will be continued for the summer semester 2021.…
16. June 2020
You may again enjoy your Mensa menu al fresco as some of our outdoor sitting areas are reopened. Some of…
11. June 2020
The BMBF has extended the bridging assistance for students in pandemic emergency situations until September 2020. The Federal Ministry of…
02. June 2020
Corona Art, what exactly is that? The first digital event in the GERÄUSCHKULISSE series presents four short audio pieces created…
27. May 2020
Many students have lost their part-time jobs, due to the corona pandemic. If you are currently looking for a new…
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