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03. November 2020
Due to the admission restrictions Mensa and Cafeteria Academica will for the time being only be accessible to HTWK students.…
02. November 2020
Our Mensas and Cafeterias will remain open during the Lockdown Light. However, due to the limited number of seats available,…
27. October 2020
Escaping from your daily routine: Free relaxation course for students and their children starting from November. Experience your everyday life…
23. October 2020
The new semester has started! We welcome all of Leipzig’s students – especially the first semester students and our new…
16. October 2020
For the present winter semester 20/21 there are still rooms available in our student halls of residence. Students looking for…
14. October 2020
„Unfinished Works“ is the title of a concert performed by students in Leipzig’s Peterskirche. Our cultural spotlight in October is…
Here they are! The new BAföG forms for winter semester 2020/21. The colour-coded sections and useful hints and comments now…
13. October 2020
The temporary regulation on the validity of semester tickets, thats was in effect since March no longer applies. As of…
05. October 2020
The Mensa am Park reopenes on a regular basis starting from Monday, 5 October 2020 – just like the Cafeteria…
19. September 2020
Increased rates and corona related loss of earnings: It is now even more attractive to apply for BAföG // Do…
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