„One for all: the student survey in Germany“ provides a detailed insight into the situation of students in Germany. One third of all students in Germany are to be surveyed in the course of the initiative.
On 6 May 2021, the to date largest student survey also started for the students of Leipzig: Throughout Germany, a total of about one million students randomly selected by their universities are invited to participate in the online study. The aim is to gain a detailed insight into the social and economic situation of students and their everyday study life.
The results can be used to identify the areas in which politics, society and universities need to intervene to improve the situation of students. Especially in the wake of the Corona pandemic and the changed everyday academic life, it is important to be able to respond to the (changed) needs of students.
The survey explores the following topics:
One third of the students currently enrolled in a higher education institution in Germany will be randomly invited by their university to participate in the online survey by e-mail. In Leipzig, the survey started on 6 May and will last until the end of August 2021. In addition to the University of Leipzig, the HTWK Leipzig, the Hochschule für Musik und Theater, the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst and the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management are also taking part. After an intense period of data preparation, the first results are expected in 2022. The Studentenwerke in Saxony are again planning a regional evaluation of the social survey on the situation of students in Saxony.
With the redesigned student survey, several student surveys that have been conducted for decades will be merged into a single study – "one for all".