Attention: Bank details for BAföG repayments change.
As of now, please use another bank account for BAföG repayments. This new bank account concerns students, who received too much BAföG, which is at present being called in or deferred. It does not concern the repayment of lawfully received BAföG to the Federal Administrative Court in Cologne.
The new bank details are as follows:
The new account replaces the previous bank account at Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden (IBAN DE32 8505 0300 3155 8240 09, BIC OSDDDE81XXX).
The change takes immediate effect. A transition period until 31 October 2017 is available. If students transfer their repayment to the old account and the payment is returned to their account, they continue to owe the amount.
If you have any questions, please contact the counselor in charge.