It’s now official: Due to the pandemic, the standard period of study for the summer semester 2020 and the winter semester 2020/21 has been extended by law. This also means students are entitled to receive BAföG for up to two additional semesters.
An amendment made to Saxony’s Freedom of Higher Education Act (SächsHSFG) means that students affected by the coronavirus will now be able to have their standard periods of study extended. BAföG eligibility will also be extended accordingly. The amendment also affects BAföG funding, which will be extended by up to two semesters. The deadline for performance reports, which students are required to submit to show that they have made the expected progress over the first four semesters of their course, has also been extended by up to two semesters.
All students who were enrolled in the 2020 summer semester and not on a leave of absence will have their standard period of study extended by up to two semesters. Students who only began studying in the 2020/21 winter semester will receive an extension of one semester. Both the 2020 summer semester and the 2020/21 winter semester will not count toward the standard period of study.
The amendment applies to all students who were still within their original standard period of study by the beginning of the 2020 summer semester. It does not extend to students whose standard period of study ended in March 2020 or earlier. Students who were already receiving supplementary financial aid to complete their studies in accordance with Sec. 15(3a) BAföG in the 2020 summer semester will not be retroactively eligible for standard funding.
You can find detailed informationon our website on the subject of "BAföG eligibility extended due to coronavirus". We have also listed options for contacting us and given case studies.