Our Mensa am Park starts to operate regularly again. Please access via the main entrance (lecture hall building). The dining hall as well as the outdoor seating area are open.
On Wednesday, 30 June 2021, our Mensa am Park will finally also reopen its doors on a regular basis.
This is what you need to know:
- Access to the Mensa is via the main entrance (lecture hall building of the University of Leipzig).
- Food and drinks will again be available via the large serving area.
- We have developed a special hygiene concept. Please have your Mensa card ready at the entrance.
- Our hygiene rules and code of conduct continue to apply.
Since the lockdown, only the Cafeteria of the Mensa am Park has been open and offering a take-away option so far. Since recently also with the possibilities of outdoor seating and on-site consumption. The Cafeteria will remain also open for the time being.