Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the standard period of study is to be extended. This means that students will be entitled to receive BAföG for up to two semesters longer.
On 29 December 2020, an amendment to the Saxon Higher Education Freedom Act came into force, extending the standard period of study for students by one or two semesters. As a result, students will be entitled to receive BAföG for a maximum of two additional semesters.
This means an increase in the individual standard period of study by one semester for students who were enrolled in SS 2020. The regulation directly affects the duration of BAföG funding. The draft law can be found here. It also takes into account the winter semester 2020/21.
Currently, we are still addressing open questions regarding the implementation of this amendment, a process that must be coordinated with the Saxon State Directorate as our supervisory authority and with the Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism. Only in this way can a uniform approach among all offices responsible for education funding be guaranteed.
Further information on this topic will be provided shortly.