Don’t forget to submit your application for further funding! In order to ensure seamless funding, the application must be submitted in July.
Students who receive BAföG and whose funding period ends in September must submit the complete application for further funding to the Department for Grants in July in order to have seamless funding guaranteed.
To anyone who does not receive BAföG benefits yet, e.g. because your parents's income was too high: It is definitely worthwhile for all students to submit an application as soon as possible. Due to an amendment to BAföG that goes into effect as of Winter Semester 2019/20, chances of receiving BAföG have increased significantly. All important information can be found on our webpage.
Please use the online fill-in helper for your BAföG application. It'll provide you with helpful tips and information. Moreover it'll help improve the completeness of your application and helps to avoid typical mistakes. Students who own an ID card with the eID function are eligible to even submit the application online. Anyone who does not own the new ID card yet can save the application as a pdf file from the fill-in helper, print it, sign it and then submit it to Studentenwerk Leipzig's Department for Grants (Amt für Ausbildungsförderung).
If you have further questions, please refer to our BAföG service.