21 September: Veggie Day at Mensa Academica


Vegetarian and vegan food – Veggie Day on 21 September at Mensa Academica.

Exclusively vegan and vegetarian dishes will be served on Veggie Day on 21 September at the Mensa Academica. Restaurant manager Martina Becker and her team will prepare falafel with spelt-risotto, retro-vegetables, rucola; oven baked potato stuffed with boiled cornmeal and other dishes for their guests. See the menu for all dishes.

Veggie days were introduced at the student restaurants of Studentenwerk as early as in 2010 and go back to a student initiative. Since then, all our student restaurants offer veggie days on a regular basis to all students who like eating vegetarian and deliberately abstain from meat or simply want to try tasty alternatives to meat dishes. Enjoy your meal!

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