Tutors of the Studentenwerk Leipzig

We are here for you!

The tutors help international students with questions and problems concerning their studies, their stay in Germany or private concerns. They all work on a voluntary basis and usually live in a student hall of residence run by the Studentenwerk.

The Studentenwerk tutors support international students during their stay in Leipzig. Through their own experience, they often know what questions and problems arise during a study stay in Leipzig. That’s why the tutors are committed to providing international students with expert support on all aspects of living and studying in Leipzig.

If you would like to support international students during their stay in Leipzig, you are welcome to apply as a tutor. Simply send an email to tutoren@studentenwerk-leipzig.de!

Every semester, the tutors plan many events where useful information is provided and new friendships are formed. With the buddy programme, the tutors offer students the opportunity to get in touch with people, share interests, support each other and get to know new things through personal exchange.

Tutors for Students

Zimmer 115
Nürnberger Straße 42
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 96 59 835
Mobile: +49 1761 96 59 850

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