HTWK Leipzig
Hörsaal, Seminarraum und Foyer im Erdgeschoss
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 134
04277 Leipzig
The following universities from Leipzig and the surrounding area will be on site with information stands:
- Universität Leipzig (Leipzig University)
- Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK) ((Leipzig University of Applied Sciences)
- iba | Internationale Berufsakademie (iba | University of Cooperative Education)
- Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig)
- Duale Hochschule Sachsen (DHSN)
- Hochschule Merseburg (Merseburg University of Applied Sciences)
- Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg)
What else awaits you:
- Initiatives and organisations provide information on topics related to studying, e.g. arriving in Leipzig, financing your studies, language courses or the German higher education system
- Quick check: Check your university entrance qualification
- Guidance on study funding and scholarship opportunities
- Exchange with students and student initiatives
- Language mediators of various languages provide on-site support
And there will be more: Information on funding of studies, language courses and getting to know Leipzig:
- Studentenwerk Leipzig, Social Counselling
- Counselling services on funding of studies, organizational questions, student jobs, health insurance, international student matters, studying with child(ren), studying with impairment or chronic disease etc.
- Garantiefonds Hochschule
- Counselling services on studying, assessment of previous education, accessing language courses, completion of German Hochschulreife, internships, education cost and general financial support offers
- Welcome Centre of the City of Leipzig
- Advice on arriving in Leipzig, residence law, integration courses and much more
- Department for Grants
- Counselling services on BAFöG
- RaumTeiler
- Mediation of housing partnerships in private households for students with affordable rent and social exchange.