Information and Counselling

We are here for you.

In order to make studying a success, the Social Counseling Service offers a specific counseling service with a focus on studying with disabilities or chronic diseases.

The general conditions for students with disabilities or chronic diseases at the universities in Leipzig can vary greatly. We therefore recommend that prospective students find out about the local conditions at an early stage and contact the social counseling service of Studentenwerk Leipzig. Upon request, contacts to counselling centers, offices and self-help groups can be arranged.

All counselling services are subject to confidentiality. If you wish, we can advise you anonymously. We strive to make our counselling sessions as barrier-free as possible. You can help us by informing us of any support requirements (e.g. communication aids) for the consultation by e-mail.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact the social counselling.

Our offerings at a glance

  • Appointment booking and open consultation without appointment

    Information on the possibility of booking appointments in advance via our appointment booking tool, the current open telephone consultation hours and the open consultation hours on site can be found on the social counselling page.

  • E-Mail Distribution List

    You don’t want to miss any news and events of the Studentenwerk Leipzig on the topic of studying with a child? Then you can register for our e-mail distribution list. To do so, please send an email to You can unsubscribe at any time by sending a short e-mail to the same address.

  • Round Table

    This regular round table is open to students from all Leipzig universities who feel they belong to the target group of students with chronic illnesses and/or impairments. It is intended to be used to get in contact with each other, to exchange information and to inform each other.

    The dates, location and further information can be found on this website.

    The round table for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses is currently paused.

What we consult on

We are your competent contact persons for questions on the following topics:

  • Study organization (e.g. Leave of absence, part-time studies)
  • Compensation for disadvantages
  • Applying for special needs (e.g. integration assistance, care services, additional needs)
  • Applying for the determination of the degree of impairment
  • Search for barrier-free living space
  • Financing studies
  • Access to studies (orientation and referral advice)
  • Communication with authorities, health insurance companies, landlords (e.g. advice on the application process and legal options, dealing with arrears)
  • Working while studying
  • Orientation on changes in study status and effects on study financing (e.g. leave of absence, exmatriculation due to family requirements, chronic disease, transition from study to work)
  • Health insurance (e.g. access, differences between statutory and private health insurance, orientation in the health care system)
  • Examination of possible claims to social benefits (prerequisites, information on the application procedure, e.g. for housing allowance, child benefit, Citizen’s Benefit (“Bürgergeld”)
  • Counseling and orientation in difficult life situations (information about specific offers of the universities, municipal institutions and counseling centers in Leipzig, e.g. in case of doubts about studies or planned withdrawal from studies) 
  • Advice on financial aid from the Hardship Fund of Studentenwerk Leipzig (to bridge a financial emergency)

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