The office hours on-site without an appointment are canceled. Alternatively, you can use the phone consultation hours without an appointment:

Tuesdays from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. at +49 1761 96 59 674.

Studying with a Disability or Chronic Diseases

Students with disabilities or chronic diseases can seek individual advice or rent a disabled-friendly apartment at the social counselling office of Studentenwerk.

Students with disabilities from all Leipzig universities receive individual counselling on social, personal and economic issues. Individual counselling is free of charge and takes place in a protected environment. Counselling can be provided in English or German. Anonymous counselling is also possible.

What we consult on

We are your proficient contact persons for questions on the following topics:

  • Study organization (e.g. Leave of absence, part-time studies)
  • Compensation for disadvantages
  • Applying for special needs (e.g. integration assistance, care services, additional needs)
  • Applying for the determination of the degree of impairment
  • Search for barrier-free living space
  • Financing studies
  • Access to studies (orientation and referral advice)
  • Communication with authorities, health insurance companies, landlords (e.g. advice on the application process and legal options, dealing with arrears)
  • Working while studying
  • Orientation on changes in study status and effects on study financing (e.g. leave of absence, exmatriculation due to family requirements, chronic disease, transition from study to work)
  • Health insurance (e.g. access, differences between statutory and private health insurance, orientation in the health care system)
  • Examination of possible claims to social benefits (prerequisites, information on the application procedure, e.g. for housing allowance, child benefit, Citizen’s Benefit (“Bürgergeld”)
  • Counseling and orientation in difficult life situations (information about specific offers of the universities, municipal institutions and counseling centers in Leipzig, e.g. in case of doubts about studies or planned withdrawal from studies) 
  • Advice on financial aid from the Hardship Fund of Studentenwerk Leipzig (to bridge a financial emergency)

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