We advise you.
The Social Counselling Service is to go for students who have questions concerning their studies, money, family. We offer individual counselling services free of charge and, if wanted, anonymous. Our counselors are bound to medical confidentiality.
Social Counselling of the Studentenwerk Leipzig
Studying places high demands on students, everyday student life might turn out to be a big challenge. You are not alone during difficult times in your life; Studentenwerk offers you free help and support.
Our Advisory Competence
We are your competent contact persons, if you have questions concerning the following issues:
- Studying and pregnancy (organization and financing of studies)
- Studying with child(ren) (organization and financing of studies)
- Studying with impairment or chronic disease (e.g. disability compensation, finance)
- Studying with residence title for specific purposes
- Residential Advice
- Student jobs
- Assessment of possible claims under social law (financial support)
- Endangered studies, graduation at risk
- Financial emergencies
- Leaves of absence
You can approach us with other problems as well. Whether you think about commencing to study or already graduate and prepare for professional life – we answer your questions individually and can refer you to the proper authorities and persons.
Our counselling guidelines
- We listen to you and your concerns.
- We develop approaches to solving problems and perspectives together with you.
- We inform you about social law claims and other offers of assistance.
- We establish contacts for you to other counselling offices, assistance services, and authorities in charge, if necessary.
- We want to encourage you to act as experts in your own interest.
Our offers at a glance
- Telephone Consultation without Appointment
Open counselling is offered by telephone without an appointment. A conversation lasts about 20 minutes and allows you to get in touch with us quickly.
- Individual Counselling with Appointment
For individual counselling, a personal appointment has to be booked in advance, which usually lasts around 50 minutes. Consultations can be held in English or German. You can book an appointment with our social counsellors using the online booking calendar with our social counsellors.
Our Social counsellors have different areas of specialisation. You can consider this when booking an appointment. However, all counsellors will be happy to support you with your initial enquiry, regardless of their focus.
- Information Events
Besides studying, there are other issues that occur in everyday life. There are various ways for students to finance their studies, one of the most common being taking a job. Also, when a child is born, this influences study planning or financing. Previous (financing-) plans have to be rethought. Likewise, studying can bring further challenges if a chronic illness or disability plays a role in daily life.
That is why we offer regular information events on these topics. You can find an overview of the contents and dates in the overview of our events.
If you are interested, please register using our online appointment tool.
- Financial support for students
- Residential Advice
Our residential advice service for students supports you with all questions relating to finding accommodation on the general housing market and private housing options. Whether you need help finding suitable accommodation or have questions about moving in, moving out or moving in – we are on hand to provide expert advice. Please note that our advice does not relate to places in student residences. You can take advantage of our advice both over the phone and on site.
- Your Feedback
You had a consultation appointment with us? We would be pleased to receive your feedback on our counselling. Please fill out our short online questionnaire (maximum duration 2-3 minutes). Only with your feedback is it possible for us to further develop our services and, if necessary, adapt them to your needs. Thank you very much!
Our Team

Celina Bohmann
Beratung auch auf Englisch
Room 403
Gutenbergplatz 4
04103 Leipzig
Personal office hours on site
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Telephone office hours
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Linda Christoph

Where to find us

Studentisches Familienzentrum (StuFaz)
Nürnberger Str. 42
04103 Leipzig

Center for Social Services
Gutenbergplatz 4
04103 Leipzig

Social Counselling at Studierenden Service Zentrum
Goethestraße 3-5
04109 Leipzig
Personal office hours on site
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Questions & Answers
- What do I have to keep in mind when taking a job?
So many things, so this question cannot be answered here in an all-encompassing way. What you need to consider depends, for example, on your health insurance status, the contractual arrangement of the job(s) and your other student financing. Please contact us at the Social Counselling Office for advice.
If you are looking for a student job, use our Student job office.
- How do I find a disabled-friendly apartment?
Studentenwerk offers various options of disabled-friendly housing; we have also assistant rooms for rent. If you are interested, please visit the disabled-friendly housing page or contact Aike Dägeling, one of or Counsellors, at sozialberatung@studentenwerk-leipzig.de.
- I am planning a leave of absence – what should I keep in mind?
As there are many things to be taken into account we recommend an individual consultation to find answers to all of your questions. For example, BAföG is not paid during a leave of absence, child benefit is only paid in exceptional cases, and there are many other things you should know.
- What do I have to consider when I want to work self-employed alongside my studies?
Many students work alongside their studies. Usually students want to earn some money with an activity that is compatible with studying. But pay attention: Interesting student jobs are often offered as activity of an independent character, e.g. honorary jobs, and there is a lot to consider here. In the information sheet you will find the most important general information on the topic without claiming it to be complete. If you have any further questions, you are welcome to make an appointment with our social counselling service for a personal consultation.
- What is the difference between psychosocial counselling and social counselling?
In general, you can say that psychosocial counselling deals with issues concerning the handling of stress and difficult situations in studies and everyday life, while social counselling deals with issues of financing options, studying with children, studying with chronic diseases etc.
Many issues are in general relevant to social counselling and psychosocial counselling. The question, for instance, whether a leave of absence is reasonable due to a disease or great stress, does not only involve the aspect of how to benefit from that time to feel better and be able to study again (psychosocial counselling), but often also the problem of how to finance this period (social counselling). That is why psychosocial counselling and social counselling collaborate closely in many aspects – provided the respective student gives his or her consent.
If you are not sure which of the two counselling services to contact (first), you can describe your problem and ask for our evaluation in an e-mail.
- What do I need to consider when looking for an apartment?
When looking for a flat, there are many different aspects to consider that can’t be answered in a generalised way. Leipzig offers a variety of different housing options that vary depending on your needs and budget. If you have any questions about looking for accommodation, moving in, moving out or moving house, the Social Counselling Service on housing is happy to help. Please note: Our advice relates to the general housing market and private housing options and not to places in student halls of residence. You can find more information and frequently asked questions about finding accommodation in our FAQs below.
- Mensa Children’s Card Application (Mensa Kinderkarte)
- Information for students regarding self-employed work
- FAQ “Wohngeld” (Housing Allowance/ Housing Benefit)
- FAQ leave semester/leave of absence
- FAQ about working alongside your studies
- FAQ on part time study
- FAQ on moving in, moving and moving out
- FAQ on the flat hunting in Leipzig
- General information materials & media information of the Studentenwerk Leipzig