The Administrative Board (Verwaltungsrat) and the Managing Director constitute the main bodies of Studentenwerk Leipzig. The Administrative Board entrusts committees with certain tasks.
- President & Vice President
Sebastian Schramm
Student of Leipzig UniversityDr. Jakob Heuschmidt
Vice President
Employee, Leipzig University - Members with Voting Right
Prof. Dr. Eva Inés Obergfell
Rector of Leipzig UniversityProf. Dr.-Ing. Jean-Alexander Müller
Rector of Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences)Dr. Jakob Heuschmidt
Employee, Leipzig UniversitySebastian Schramm
Student of Leipzig UniversityElena Heier
Student of Leipzig UniversityMichael Manthey
Student of Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur Leizig(University of Apllied Sciences)Marie Charlotte Elsner
Student of Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig)Dr. Torsten Loschke
Representative of the City of LeipzigMario Busch
Business Representative - Advisory Members
Dr. Andrea Diekhof
Managing Director of Studentenwerk LeipzigPeter Lönnecke
Representative of Sächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Saxon Ministry of Science and Art)Oliver Grimm
Chancellor of Hochschule für Musik und Theater LeipzigNick Gesell
Employee Representative of Studentenwerk LeipzigOceana Mercedes Schmidt
Student of iba Leipzig – Internationale BerufsakademieKeana Shania Dacota Höche
Student of DHSN Leipzig - Availability of the Administrative Board’s student members
The student members
Sebastian Schramm (Universität Leipzig)
Elena Heier (Universität Leipzig)
Michael Manthey (HTWK Leipzig)
Marie Elsner (HGB Leipzig)
Rebecca Chammas (HMT Leipzig)
Oceana Mercedes Schmidt (iba Leipzig – Internationale Berufsakademie)
Larissa Mirtschink (DHSN Leipzig)
are available via e-mail.
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Managing Director
Dr. Andrea Diekhof
Goethestraße 6
Room 316
+49 341 96 59 660

Department of Grants
Jevgeni Litvinov
Head of Department/ Deputy Managing Director
Goethestraße 6
+49 341 96 59 738

Accounting/ Controlling
Grit Schräpel
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Raum 216
+49 341 96 59 665

Student Housing
Monika Schwarzenberg
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Room 332
+49 341 96 59 802

Mensas & Cafeterias/ Central Purchase
Uwe Kubaile
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Room 324
+49 341 96 59 691

Social Services
Julia Winkler
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
+49 341 96 59 942

Human Resource Management
Stefan Koßmann
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Room 321
+49 341 96 59 657

Construction/ Technology
Jörg Gaßner
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Room 306
+49 341 96 59 648

Internal Administration
Carolin Linke
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Raum 234
+49 341 96 59 642

Information Technology
Susan Fabian
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Room 319

Kommunikation/ Marketing/ Kultur
Michael Mohr
Head of Department
Goethestraße 6
Room 229
+49 341 96 59 646
Organization structure