Our Services for Students
Studentenwerk Leipzig is a service provider with a social mission. Our Mensas and Cafeterias offer good-value, healthy food for the students and employees of Leipzig’s universities and academies. In our student halls of residence, students can live comfortably and at reasonable prices. Our Department of Grants (Amt für Ausbildungsförderung) is managing the funding of your studies in accordance with the Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz (BAföG; German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act, a German law concerning educational funding). In addition to that, we also support students’ mobility and student culture. Our counselling offices are helping you to master your studies even in situations that are not that easy. We provide special support for students with child(ren), international students, and students with impairments.
For the purpose of financing these offers and services, every student pays a Semesterbeitrag (a fee for social benefits payable every semester) to Studentenwerk Leipzig. This fee serves to fund the various support and counselling services, a big part of the Semesterbeitrag is used for supporting the provision of our Mensa offer. The amount and use of the Semesterbeitrag are determined in our Beitragsordnung (Regulations concerning the fee for social benefits).
Studentenwerk Leipzig is part-financed through subsidies based on the budget agreed upon by the Saxon State Parliament. The majority of the Studentenwerk Leipzig financing is paid by revenues generated from Mensas, Cafeterias and student halls of residence.
We are taking care of the total of approximately 40,000 students of the universities and academies listed below:
- Universität Leipzig (Leipzig University)
- Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences)
- Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” Leipzig (University of Music and Theatre Leipzig)
- Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig)
- HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
- Duale Hochschule Sachsen (DHSN) at the Leipzig location (except BAföG)
- iba Leipzig Internationale Berufsakademie (University of Cooperate Education) (except BAföG)
- Lancaster University Leipzig (BAföG only)
Commissioned and financially supported by the Free State of Saxony and the federal government
The Studentenwerk Leipzig is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget agreed upon by the State Parliament of Saxony. The Studentenwerk Leipzig receives the following subsidies from the Free State of Saxony for the purpose of fulfilling its legal duties in accordance with § 118 of the Saxon Higher Education Act (Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz):
- Reimbursement of expenses of the Department for Grants
- Subsidies for ongoing operation
- Funds to compensate for loss of revenue due to closures of our Mensas and Cafeterias and loss of rental income from student dormitories and additional expenditure in the area of social services (Corona-Bewältigungsfonds Sachsen) (2020-22)
Grants for investments in the maintenance and modernization of essential facilities:
- Renovation and modernization of the student hall of residence Mannheimer Straße 5-7 (2023-2024)
- Partial renovation of standard technical equipment and the roof, student hall of residence Mainzer Straße 2a (2021-2023).
- Modernization of elevators in the student hall of residence Straße des 18. Oktober No. 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 (2021)
- Purchase of digital locking systems for the student hall of residence Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 29 (2021)
- Renovation of standard technical equipment in the student hall of residence Johannes-R.-Becher-Straße 7a (2021)
- Modernization in the student hall of residence Str. des 18. Oktober No. 33 (2019/2020)
- Investments in catering facilities (2021) Replacement of kitchen equipment, Mensa am Elsterbecken (2020-2021)
- Replacement of room separation system, Mensa Academica (2020-2021)
- Replacement of the electro-acoustic system for voice alarms in the Mensa am Park (2020-2021)
- Modernization of the Mensaria am Botanischen Garten (formerly Cafeteria Phillip-Rosenthal-Str.) (2019-2020)
Studentenwerk Leipzig also receives grants from the federal funding programme “Junges Wohnen” for the modernisation of the facilities:
- Modernization of the student hall of residence Arno-Nitzsche-Straße 44 (2023-2025)
- Modernization of the student hall of residence Straße des 18. Oktober 23 (2023-2025)
- Modernization of the student hall of residence Phillip-Rosenthal-Straße 29b and 33 (2023-2027)
For more information on previous years’ grants, please consult our annual reports (in German).
For equal opportunities, diversity and tolerance – against racism and discrimination
We are currently hearing voices among students who fear a threat to democratic values in our society and in the university environment. Studentenwerk Leipzig is clearly committed to the free and democratic basic order and opposes all forms of racism and discrimination. Our mission is to ensure equal opportunities in higher education. We promote diversity among both our students and our employees and live appreciation and tolerance.
The President of Deutsches Studierendenwerk, Prof. Dr. Beate A. Schücking, explains:
“Deutsches Studierendenwerk is independent of political parties. However, we are not neutral when it comes to defending our Grundgesetz and the foundations of our democracy and the rule of law. ‘Human dignity is inviolable’, says Article 1 of the Grundgesetz. The Studierendenwerke and Studentenwerke in Germany are deeply committed to this principle. […]
The Studierendenwerke are profoundly democratic and social institutions, with a clear moral and political compass, and with a clear stance: we stand for democracy, the rule of law and an open, pluralistic society.
Among the approximately 18,000 employees of the Studierendenwerke are many people with a history of immigration, and they all dedicate their energy, their work and their time to ensuring that all students in Germany can study as well as possible, including international students.”
Studentenwerk Leipzig supports this position. We live the values emphasized by Prof. Dr. Schücking.
Adress & general contact
Studentenwerk Leipzig
Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
Postal Adress:
Postfach 100 928
D-04009 Leipzig
Visiting Adress:
Goethestraße 6
D-04109 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 341 9659-5
Fax: +49 341 9659-684