Semester Ticket

Navigating your

The Semester Ticket provides affordable mobility in public transportation.

In the summer semester 2024 the MDV-Semesterticket for students studying in Leipzig will be replaced by the Deutschland-Semesterticket.

Special regulations apply to students that:

  • have an upgrade to the semester ticket in the form of the Deutschland-Ticket
  • study at the University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig or HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • study at the iba Leipzig – Internationale Berufsakademie
  • have applied to an reimbursement from payment of the semester fee
  • are registered under a different name at their university (e.g. genderqueere people, stage names)

How to receive your ticket, where its valid and which particulatrities you have to consider – here you can find all important information.

Cost and Validity

  • In the summer semester 2024 the Deutschland-Semesterticket costs 176,40 Euro (this is equivalent to 29,40/month). The contribution to the semester ticket is paid at the enrolment or re-enrolment at the university.
  • It is valid throughout Germany within the covered region of the Deutschlandticket.

Students studying at one of the seven universities in Leipzig in the area of responsibility of the Studentenwerk Leipzig pay the contribution of 176,40 obligatorily when enrolling or re-enrolling at their university for the summer semester 2024.

  • Leipzig University
  • Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig)
  • University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig (HMT)
  • Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB)
  • HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • Berufsakademie Sachsen (University of Cooperative Education)
  • iba Leipzig | University of Cooperative Education

How do I retrieve my ticket?

You can get your Deutschland-Semesterticket either as a digital ticket on the LeipzigMOVE app or alternatively as chip card in one of the service centres of the LVB.

  • Deutschland-Semesterticket in LeipzigMOVE

    Download the LeipzigMove-App by the LVB and register to receive the digital Deutschland-Semesterticket via smartphone. In LeipzgMove you can choose your Deutschland-Semesterticket 14 days before the start of each semester at the earliest. When clicking on your ticket you will need to log in at your university network, please gather your personal log in data for this step. The log in process verifys your eligibility to the Deutschland-Semesterticket and copy’s your name that is on file in the university network on the ticket. If this name does not match your official identification document please visit a service centre of the LVB to get the chip card.

    • Students studying at the HMT and the HHL can receive their ticket in LeipzigMove starting from 27 February 2024. Please consider that you apply to some particularities that are listed below.
    • Students studing at the Universität Leipzig, the HTWK, the HGB, the BA Leipzig and the iba Leipzig can receive their ticket presumably from 21 March 2024.

    In the case of a ticket control you need to show your official identification document additionally to your Deutschland-Semesterticket. Your student ID card is no longer valid as a ticket for the public transport.

    The LVB has created a detailed guide for ticket retrieval.

  • Deutschland-Semesterticket as chip card

    Your student ID card is no longer valid as a ticket for the public transport, also not in the MDV region.

    If you do not have a smartphone and therefore need the Deutschland-Semesterticket as a chip card, please visit a service centre of the LVB and get your Deutschland-Semesterticket at the earliest 14 days before the start of the semester.

    You need your:

    • Official identification document
    • Your valid certificate of enrolment for the semester and
    • Your student ID card

    In the case of a ticket control, you need to show your official identification document additionally to your Deutschland-Semesterticket chip card. Your student ID card is no longer valid as a ticket for the public transport

  • Students with upgrade to the Deutschland-Ticket

    Students that upgraded their semester ticket to the Deutschland-Ticket will receive an information from the LVB that the ticket will automatically end by the 31 of March 2024. To get the new Deutschland-Semesterticket follow the normal procedure mentioned above.

  • Students of the HMT and HHL

    For students studying at the HMT and the HHL the summer semester and with that the validity of the Deutschland-Semesterticket starts early at the 01 of March 2024. Therefore, students of these two universities can get their tickets from 27 February 2024 online either in the LeipzigMove-App or in one of the service centres of the LVB. You will need a contract number that the LVB will forward you via mail. All additional steps you can review under “How do I receive the ticket?”. You can find instructions here.

  • Students of the HMT and HHL with a Deutschland-Ticket upgrade

    In the beginning of February students of the HMT or the HHL, that upgraded their semester ticket to the Deutschland-Ticket, will receive the information that their ticket will end automatically by the 31 of March 2024.

    Attention: The new summer semester and with that the validity of your Deutschland-Semesterticket starts at 01 March 2024. This means to you: to avoid the double financial burden you can get active and terminate the Semesterticket-upgrade for the month of March until the 20 February 2024 in the customer portal. Any later cancellations cannot be taken into account for the automatic debit. Without any actions, your Semesterticket-upgrade will end automatically by the 31 of March 2024.

  • Students of the iba Leipzig

    Students of iba Leipzig can access their digital ticket via LeipzigMOVE or at the LVB service center presumably from March 21 2024. Therefore you need a personal contract number, which LVB will send you vial mail. You can read all further steps in the instructions.

  • Students apply for a “Reimbursement of the Semester fee”

    If you want to apply for an “Reimbursement of the Semester fee” for the summer semester, this will only be possible if you have not yet retrieved your Deutschland-Semesterticket. The reimbursement is not possible anymore if you already have your ticket either as chip card or as digital ticket.

  • Student with various names

    While retrieving the Deutschland-Semesterticket in the LeipzigMove-App the name that you have registered with in your university will be shown. For students that keep a differing name from the one shown in their official identification document at their university (e.g. genderqueere people, stage names) a ticket control could be problematic.

    For the ticket control a valid official identification document must be shown additionally to the ticket on the app. If you retrieve your ticket as chip card in one of the service centre of the LVB it will be possible to change the name on the ticket to the one shown in the identification document.

    Please note: Unfortunately, it cannot be guaranteed that the dgti-Ergänzungsausweis will be accepted at ticket inspections throughout Germany.

Details for the Deutschland-Semesterticket

  • The Principle of Solidarity

    The Deutschland-Semesterticket is a fully subsidized compulsory ticket for all students liable to contribution. All students have to pay their contribution to the Deutschland-Semesterticket in order to provide the possibility to receive the discountet Deutschland-Ticket to all students. This principle of solidarity is subsidised by the federation and the states with 40%. Further information on the Principle of Solidarity can be found here.

  • Transport with your children

    The Deutschland-Semesterticket does not include the transportation of persons above the age of six years. For the transport of children older than six or transport of other adults the LVB offers individual components that can be book additionally for the zone 110 (Leipzig city).

  • Bicycle Transport

    With the Deutschland-Semesterticket the bycicle transport is free of charge all day in the S-Bahn and commuter trains in the MDV area. In the trams and busses operated by the LVB the transport of bycicles free of charge is only possible between 19:30 and 6:00. For any other time frame you need an additional ticket. Outside the MDV area, the regulations for taking bicycles with you may differ – the regulations of the respective transport company/network apply.

  • Exemption from Payment & Reimbursement

    Severely disabled people who are entitled to free transportation in local public transport (ÖPNV) in accordance with Sozialgesetzbuch SGB IX (German Social Code) (in possession of the supplementary sheet containing a relevant stamp of validity) and provide adequate proof thereof are exempt from payment. For this purpose, the severe disability pass, the supplementary sheet containing a relevant stamp of validity (Beiblatt mit Wertmarke) and the student card must be presented to Studentenwerk Leipzig for each semester(see contact above). Prerequisite is that the Deutschland-Semesterticket has not yet been retrieved.

    Information for reimbursement of the semester fee can be found under the heading “Excemption from Payment of the Semester fee and Reimbursement”.

    A reimbursement for the contribution to the Deutschland-Semesterticket is only possible if the ticket has not been retrieved at the LVB.

    Changed office hours:

    • Office hours in the period 12 June – 26 June: Tuesday and Thursday 9-11 a.m. (outside of the hours designated for personal consultations, telephone availability will be in place)
    • Office hours in the period 27 June – 14 July: Tuesday and Thursday 9-11 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. (outside of the hours designated for personal consultations, telephone availability will be in place)

Ms. Stieler

Accounting/Controlling · Exemption from Payment of the Semester Fee and Reimbursement

Room 215
Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 9659-665

Write an email

Personal office hours on site

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

LeipzigMOVE is available for Android and iOS.

For more detailed information, please go to: