Attention graphic design students: Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW) has announced the 39th poster competition and is looking for visionary ideas for the ‘Campus of the Future’. In the face of major challenges such as the climate crisis, artificial intelligence and socio-ecological transformation, students are being asked to find creative answers to the question: What will the ideal campus look like in the future?
Students of graphic design, communication design and visual communication who are enrolled at German universities in the winter semester 2024/2025 can take part. Registration is open until 10 November 2024 and poster designs must be submitted online by 12 January 2025.
Topics in focus:
- Physical infrastructur: What will lecture theatres, laboratories, libraries and halls of residence look like in the future?
- Digitalisation and Artificial Inteligence: What role will these technologies play on the campus of the future?
- Sustainability: How can an environmentally friendly campus be designed?
- The role of students: How will they be involved in campus life of the future?
In total there is a prize money of 10,000 euros which will be awarded. The best posters will be presented in a travelling exhibition throughout Germany from autumn 2025.
The competition is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and carried out in cooperation with the Museum for Communication Berlin. The award ceremony will take place on 30. June 2025 at the museum.
Further information and registration: