We are currently hearing voices among students who fear a threat to democratic values in our society and in the university environment. Studentenwerk Leipzig is clearly committed to the free and democratic basic order and opposes all forms of racism and discrimination. Our mission is to ensure equal opportunities in higher education. We promote diversity among both our students and our employees and live appreciation and tolerance.
The President of Deutsches Studierendenwerk, Prof. Dr. Beate A. Schücking, explains:
“Deutsches Studierendenwerk is independent of political parties. However, we are not neutral when it comes to defending our Grundgesetz and the foundations of our democracy and the rule of law. ‘Human dignity is inviolable’, says Article 1 of the Grundgesetz. The Studierendenwerke and Studentenwerke in Germany are deeply committed to this principle. […]
The Studierendenwerke are profoundly democratic and social institutions, with a clear moral and political compass, and with a clear stance: we stand for democracy, the rule of law and an open, pluralistic society.
Among the approximately 18,000 employees of the Studierendenwerke are many people with a history of immigration, and they all dedicate their energy, their work and their time to ensuring that all students in Germany can study as well as possible, including international students.”
Studentenwerk Leipzig supports this position. We live the values emphasized by Prof. Dr. Schücking.