Social Counselling for Refugee Students of HGB


Studentenwerk Leipzig supports the study program ATA for refugee artists and designers at HGB.

The Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig/Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (HGB) and Studentenwerk Leipzig have launched a joint project to support participants of the Academy of Transcultural Exchange (ATA) in social matters. Since 2016, the study program gives art and design students, who had to abandon their training in their home country due to escaping and migration, the opportunity to prepare for and to resume their studies.

The collaboration between HGB and Studentenwerk Leipzig makes it possible to provide counselling directly at the academy. Therefore a social counsellor of Studentenwerk Leipzig is to look after the needs of refugee students by the end of the year for 16 hours per week.

ATA participants will be provided with individual counselling regarding financial and social questions. Info events as well as single supervisions are offered as well. The project may also provide an efficient start to studying at HGB and successfully achieving degrees in the long run.

With the new semester beginning on 8 October 2018, the third consecutive ATA class is about to start. Among the new (regular) HGB freshers will already be graduates of the ATA program who were accepted into the diploma study program of the academy.

This measure is co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by members of the Saxon Parliament.

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